PEACEFUL CITY, शांतपूर्ण शहर

We hear so many things in a day. We converse with friends, with family members, with colleagues and sometimes with strangers. In that whole day, every conversation seems normal, every person seems normal. But sometimes some conversation changes your point of view towards life. Such conversations are not normal. Conversations are necessary part of our life. Correction………good conversations are necessary. What??????? You must be thinking the title of this blog is ‘peaceful city’ then why it’s all about conversation. A conversation can take you to the peaceful city. Believe me after reading this blog you will search for this place. Once, there lived a boy in a small town. He was a joyful child. When he grows up he use to have one thought in mind, I want to settle in such a city where there is peace. He didn’t found that peace in the city he was living. He never told this to anyone. He told himself that when h...