Choose : History or prevailing system

          Everyone has their own point of views in every given topic. Thing can be one but it's  perspective can never be one. Person can be one but perspective for that one person can be numerous. In my childhood I learned a new word barter or you can say learned a new system 'barter system'. Like every other child I just learned it and wrote it in exams. I have never given a second thought to that system. It was a  part of history so learning more about barter system was not in my interest. 

        Barter system was introduced by Mesopotamia tribes back in 6000 BC. 
Barter system means to exchange the goods or services with another goods and services. It was used when there was no currency for exchange. Gradually, currency was introduced and barter system vanished. 

        Barter system has a huge history and differs according to different countries.  There are various books on barter system for students. There are movies in which barter system is shown. With all this years we all have seen money as a exchange in trade.  This generation of ours can't imagine a lifestyle without money. 

 .      Just think what if barter system comes in trend again and currency vanishes. What if you give rice in exchange of wheat and not money. What if you buy clothes in exchange of some goods. It's complicated, right??? The question arises here is how many clothes in exchage of which goods??  That's the loophole of barter system. No perfect exchange rate was there in it. It may happen that you get less amount of goods and the party you are dealing with gets more amount of goods.

         Money was introduced so that all parties involved in trade gets fair price. Money was introduced to make life simple. Now, my question arises here, are our liives simple?? 

         Are we justifying the purpose of money?
It was introduced to make trading easy and to make justice to victims of barter system. 
There can be more victims in this era of money. Inequality can be properly seen in distribution of money. There is a famous line 'Rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer'.  The purpose of starting currency was to solve this problem. We humans just magnified the situation. 

          Moreover, money made our lives more depressing. We are more ambitious towards money. We judge people by their money power. For some people money is trademark of intelligence. So, do the purpose of money is fulfilled?
 According to me, NO......

          Yes, the purpose of money was different. It was started to make life easier but it's more complicated now. Previously barter system was there but people use to have happy lives. Families were living joyously. Atleast money and properties were not seperating them. According to me, Barter system should be introduced back in this era. Many historical things and values are still followed in various countries then why not Barter system. We can get rid of our depressing lifestyle that money has given us. So, do you think Barter system should be introduce for trading again???


  1. Agreed.... But still now in 2020...with such rising population on earth it will add more to complexities. Other than barter there must be some other convincing alternative. And researchers may have found that but because of the capitalist's lobby in the developed countries they would never ever let that come on to the surface

    1. Thank you....and yes there can be more research on this things.


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