Ultimate fate

Here I'm back with my new blog. 
There are many questions that arises in our mind every day. We can get answer to our questions in a very precise way. Although there are some questions which have multiple answers. Now you will think how a particular question can have more than one answer. The answers to that questions which are dependent upon our believes and our knowledge surely have more than one answer. There are innumerable minds with diverse mindsets on this earth. Some humans believe that the earth and our whole universe is made by God and no one can destroy it until God wants to destroy it. Some days ago I was watching a documentary named 'into the universe with Stephen hawking-the story of everything. The whole documentary orbits around the creation and destruction of universe. Here's the thing what to Believe physics or faith. If I believe in physics than it has an extraordinary truth. If I believe in mythologies then it's a pure nacromancy. I grew up with one belief - the one which is born has to destroy so that new life can begin. If there is no end there can't be new beginning. I am sure one day we will get to know the truth as science has gone beyond our imagination. If we remain unable to know the truth then let's wait....... for our ultimate fate. 

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