Calmness and Faith

        A long time ago, there use to be one teensy though peaceful village. The village was near a mountain. The beauty of nature was one of the reason that people are living harmoniously.  Though only few families were living in that village. Among them, there lived a gray haired man with his daughter. He was living in a small house with an attached backyard. He was living with his only daughter. He had cows for whom he made shelter at the backyard. 

         Every morning,  he wakes up before the sun break and collects the milk from cows. Then he cleans up his backyard. When dawn arrives he goes to distribute milk in the village. Every family in the village takes milk from him. 

       Beside the village, there was a lake. The mountains are on the other side of lake.  The vast lake was surrounded by trees and herbs. The blooming lotus in lake increases it's beauty. On the other side of the lake, on the mountains, there was an Aashram'. A yogi was living in that aashram with his disciples. The villagers had respect for him. They had faith in him. On many occasions villagers goes to his aashram. Sometimes when a problem arrives, villagers seeks his solution. 
      There is only one one boat available for the villagers to cross the lake. The villagers use that one boat only. The boat is mostly used by a gray haired man when he goes to aashram to distribute milk. He had utmost faith in yogiji. He had heard many stories about miracles of yogiji. He goes to aashram every alternate day. One day, he becomes sick. He asks her daughter to distribute milk to villagers. His daughter did as his father told her to do. 

    On next morning, the man asks her to go to aashram and give milk to yogiji and his disciples. The girl had heard stories from his father about yogiji. Today she is going  for the first time to aashram. As it is early morning there was still fog around the lake. When she reaches the aashram, thunderstorm arrived. The extreme wind was making a howling sound. Trees were shaking wildly. Birds were making noises. Everything was invisible for sometime. After few minutes, everything becomes calm. The girl and others at aashram were relieved now. 

      The girl do pranam to all and leaves the aashram. The moment she arrives near the lake, she saw that the boat's rope got untangled and boat reached at the far middle of the lake. She was in tension that how she will reach her home now. At the same time, there comes a voice from behind .......
       The voice said, " step forward and put your foot on the water my child." She turned and saw the yogiji standing with his 2 disciples. The yogi repeats his words,        
 " step forward on the water."  As girl had heard many stories about miracles of the yogiji she had faith in him. She just put her foot on water and nothing happened. In next second she was standing on water. Step by step she walked on the water and reached upto the boat. The other 2 disciples were amazed at this miracle. 
        One of the disciple thought if a girl who was not living with his guru and can still walk on water then he can also walk on water. He went near the lake and stepped forward to walk but he falls in the water. The other disciple helped him to get out from water. After reaching aashram,  the second disciple asked, " we are living with you and doing everything that you teach us. But today, a girl who came to aashram for first time, you helped her while she was walking on the water, but you didn't helped your disciple, why guruji?"

      The yogiji smiled and replied, " I didn't helped the girl. I only told her to walk on the water, she was able to do so just because she had faith in me and in herself. She was calm from inside. There were no questions in
her mind. The calmness and faith was the only reason she was able to walk on water. While your friend falls on water  because he was experimenting from his body. A work done without a calm and peaceful mind will never get success. 
     CALMNESS CAN LEAD TO SUCCESS. Faith in yourself can lead you towards your goal. Anything can be happened in this world. The world around us is uncertain. Many  situations may come and go in your lives, it will not affect you internally lf you have calmness and faith inside you. Remember faith can move mountains.



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